Yokai Background 2 1 Repeat

Anthony (Tonji) Hansen was born in Katanning and in the 1970’s forcibly removed from his mother and grandparent’s care as a toddler. He has worked within the Government sector for the last 30 years, working in the field as a member of the Western Australia Police Department, the Department for Child Protection and the Department of Human Services. With this depth of experience has come a deep understanding of the complex needs of Stolen Generations people and their families and the complexity of these needs.

Anthony also is a hard-working member of the Bringing Them Home Committee and the Carrolup Elders Reference Group. He is a Working Party Member for the South West Boojarah Group of the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council.  Tonji currently works with Communicare and sees gains in the current and future investments made by mainstream Australia in compensating Aboriginal people for the wrongs inflicted in the past and continuing now as achievable only if services are directed by strengthened Aboriginal communities – our problems – our solutions.